Enchanted Forest

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There is a place in the middle of Bulgaria, which for years has been and is becoming more and more my second home. It’s a village near one of the most beautiful towns of Bulgaria – Veliko Turnovo. Around the village there are numerous magnificent places of natural beauty and views. One of my favourite things are the little dirt roads in the forest, covered in greenery creating green tunnels. The light of the sun often throws beautiful long patterns of light and shadows onto these paths. One day I decided to film this enchanting beauty at its greenest and when the birds were still singing their spring songs quite intensely. Perfect timing… Here is the result: https://youtu.be/mA5THpy0zsg

Welcome into the enchanted forest.
The gates of the old and abandoned cemetery near the entrance into the forest.
Perfect picture.
On the way back the sun was setting and the lights of my car were illuminating the windy road. I couldn’t help, but stop to photograph it… 🙂

River Kayaking

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I’ve been thinking about making a moving video of sailing down a river in spring with all the lush greenery and birdsongs for a long time. Finally it all came together and I figured out how and where to do it. I hired a kayak from a friend and together we traveled to this beautiful river in Strandja Natural Park, Bulgaria. I was a bit nervous as I had very limited experience in paddling in general and I didn’t know what to expect. There were also the questions of how am I going to attach the camera or what if it falls in the river… Fortunately it all came down together pretty well and the camera was attached onto a secured tripod on top of the kayak. Next thing was… paddling. At first it felt a bit unsettling feeling so unstable onto a plastic board in the middle of the river with a camera on top of all. Soon I relaxed into it and was paddling more and more confidently and with less effort, trying to make as less noise as possible, so that the sound is relaxing and the songs of the numerous birds along the way, can be heard clearly. All in all, it was a success and I am very pleased with the result: https://youtu.be/qZ0_aa6RxvQ

Perfect stillness…
The light of morning sun, piercing through the green tunnel of overhanging trees and bushes, illuminated the delicate mist into rays of heavenly splendour.
I really needed to pee, after about two hours of being in the water, so I found a suitable place to come out onto the river bank for a little rest.