Fields of White

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The winter was not over yet, so I decided to go to Rila National Park for some winter footage. The hut is only an hour away from where you can leave your car, but still sits around 2000m above the sea level. Along the clearly marked path, on the way to the hut and back, I managed to film some nice shots and record some good sounds with which I made a few long videos. These videos can be seen here:, here: and here:

On the two days I spent up at the hut, I made long treks in the thick snow further up the mountain. I was lucky that on both days there have been other people that have walked up before me. I was walking over their steps, which made it much easier for me, as I still hadn’t bought myself some snowshoes. I filmed a lot of the pure raw mountain scenery covered in white snowy blanket. I tested my new drone’s abilities and was very happy with it’s stability, even in strong wind. In the end I made a short video of this incredible landscape, soundtracked by the amazing ambient music, so generously offered by Stellardrone: The video can be seen here:

High Mountains

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I went to Pirin National Park for a few days with the idea of making a long relaxation video of beautiful mountain scenery. I have always found Pirin mountain very picturesque and beautiful with it’s sharp jagged alpine style peaks, clear water streams, delicate and brightly coloured flowers and deep turquoise lakes, that are so cold even amidst the summer. Every day I was hiking up the mountain from one of the huts there, absorbing the beauty and the clean, fresh mountain air and filming the endless abundance of breathtaking scenery. The video, that I compiled from these days of shooting can be seen here:

In the area I also saw and filmed a big herd of beautiful cows, peacefully grazing the lush green grass. I found watching them and hearing the clear sounds of their bells very relaxing and decided to go back next year specifically to film them. And I am happy to say, that I successfully did that. The video can be seen here: